Holmris B8: The Nordic Swan Ecolabel creates trust
No future without sustainable initiatives and the Nordic Swan Ecolabel.

The furniture company HOLMRIS B8 is located in the town of Bjerringbro in central Jutland. The company’s history dates back more than 100 years and, despite several mergers, the company has maintained its commitment to producing good quality furniture with a focus on sustainability.
“The headline has always been product quality and responsibility, even though we've gone through several mergers,” says Claus Tapaninen Jensen, Head of Quality, Product Compliance & Environment at HOLMRIS B8.
Responsibility as a benchmark
In 2020, HOLMRIS B8 underwent major restructuring and went from being a manufacturing company with a factory in Bjerringbro to a sales and design company. This new organisation has resulted in environmentally sustainable initiatives and certifications such as the Nordic Swan Ecolabel becoming even more important for the company’s strategic focus.
"When we were to redefine ourselves as a sales and design company, it was important to agree on a common direction. We decided to use responsibility as one of our benchmarks, which is also reflected in our desire to be a front runner for the green transformation of the furniture industry," says Claus Tapaninen Jensen, adding:
"It’s important that in the furniture industry we become better at collaborating and working from a circular rather than a linear mindset. Even though there is no tradition for talking openly about your business and way of working, we believe it makes good sense to strengthen collaboration across the industry in relation to the circular agenda. We stand stronger when we are good at collaborating. We would therefore like to take the lead and participate in various expert committees, for example."
Responsible consumption and production
HOLMRIS B8 primarily works with sustainability through responsible consumption and production. This includes a focus on harmful chemicals, and the Nordic Swan Ecolabel ensures that the furniture fulfils strict chemical requirements. In addition, the resale and donation of used furniture are essential parameters for the company, which works with tree planting as a good method to ensure clean drinking water and better conditions for plants and animals.
Considering a certification with the Nordic Swan Ecolabel?
Learn more about the requirements your products must meet and what it costs.
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Greater focus on the Nordic Swan Ecolabel
During the past year, HOLMRIS B8 has experienced increasing interest in sustainability and Nordic Swan Ecolabel furniture, and the company has therefore decided that in future all products will be manufactured with due consideration for the environment and climate, and willl be certifiable.
"In the last year, things have moved really fast and we can see that more and more of our customers are starting to take an interest in Nordic Swan Ecolabel products, and therefore we want to help sales get off to a good start. Among other things, we have removed our additional surcharge for products in the range bearing the Nordic Swan Ecolabel, and we have also started to market the Nordic Swan Ecolabel more, of which our latest catalogue is a good example," says Claus Tapaninen Jensen.
HOLMRIS B8 first added Nordic Swan Ecolabel products to its range in 2017 in connection with a strategic partnership with Rambøll, which wanted to develop new desks that could also be certified with the Nordic Swan Ecolabel. Since then, several Nordic Swan Ecolabel products have been added and now include three furniture series.
"We want to prove that we act sensibly and responsibly, and with the Nordic Swan Ecolabel we have the opportunity to document that we do what we say and keep our promises. We would therefore like to have more Nordic Swan Ecolabel products in the future," says Claus Tapaninen Jensen.
For HOLMRIS B8, the strengths of the Nordic Swan Ecolabel include a high level of market awareness, and the fact that it is visible proof that the furniture fulfils stringent requirements for certified wood, chemicals and safety, among other things.
The Nordic Swan Ecolabel creates trust
HOLMRIS B8 attaches importance to working with suppliers who can meet the requirements for documentation and traceability.
"For us, it’s a lot about trust when it comes to working with the right suppliers, and here we find that the Nordic Swan Ecolabel can help us to ensure that suppliers live up to their promises. The Nordic Swan Ecolabel is therefore a great help when selecting which suppliers we want to work with," says Claus Tapaninen Jensen.
No future without sustainable initiatives
For HOLMRIS B8, the Nordic Swan Ecolabel is part of the future and a direct condition for the company’s existence.
"I can't see a future without sustainable initiatives and the Nordic Swan Ecolabel, when you deal with big companies, as we do. If they reject us due to a lack of focus on sustainability, then we're not in the market, so for me it's an existential condition that we continue to be able to deliver more environmentally sustainable solutions that meet the requirements and demands of the market," concludes Claus Tapaninen Jensen.
Facts About Holmris B8
- Nordic Swan Ecolabelled furniture in its range since 2017
- Today has three furniture series that are certified under the Nordic Swan Ecolabel
- Annual revenue in 2019: DKK 21 million from second-hand furniture
- 65,000 items of furniture donated to charity
- 30,000 trees planted in public forests in Denmark and Ghana
January 2021