With the Nordic Swan Ecolabel, you not only get strong evidence of your environmental efforts, you also get an effective marketing tool and access to a strong brand that enjoys high credibility and recognition. This makes it possible to position your product strongly towards both consumers and professional buyers.
Below you will find guidelines on how to use the Nordic Swan Ecolabel in your marketing.
Rules for the use of the Nordic Swan Ecolabel in marketing
Rules for the use of the Nordic Swan Ecolabel in marketing
Read about the general rules for using the Nordic Swan Ecolabel in marketing and find guidelines for specific types of marketing materials. Please note that there are two guidelines for products and services. Both guidelines are in English.
Guideline: Use of the Nordic Swan Ecolabel in the marketing of products
Guideline: Use of the Nordic Swan Ecolabel in marketing of services

Rules for use of the Nordic Swan Ecolabel in communication of buildings and building materials
We have collected below all relevant guidelines regarding communication and marketing of Nordic Swan Ecolabelled buildings and building materials.
Communication Guidelines – How you may communicate about Nordic Swan Ecolabelled building materials
Consumer Ombudsman's Rules on Environmental Claims in Marketing
If you use climate or environmental statements in your marketing, you should be aware that the Consumer Ombudsman has a guide and a quick guide in this area.
This shows what benefits you have as a result of your certification with the Nordic Swan Ecolabel. A certification with the Nordic Swan Ecolabel allows you, for example, to refer to your products as "less environmentally damaging", "more environmentally friendly", “more gentle on the environment”, "better for the environment" or the like (as a general statement without explanation) without you having to document it any further.
A certification with the Nordic Swan Ecolabel can also be used as documentation for section 4 under "General statements with an explanation".
Need help?
If you have any questions regarding the correct use of the Nordic Swan Ecolabel, you are welcome to write to us at marketing@ecolabel.dk.
Please enclose any artwork, and please note that during busy periods it may take up to 5 business days before we can guarantee a response.